How to update custom stack version number in ambari

If you have a custom stacks installed in Ambari, for example HAProxy or your other custom services and if you want to update their latest version number on the UI, you can follow the below steps.

Here is the example to update this in the UI for a Mahout service.  You can do the same for your custom service like HAProxy.

Take backup:-
create table repo_version_bkp as select * from repo_version;

Query to check the data before update:-

select replace(version_xml,'name="MAHOUT" version="0.9.0"','name="MAHOUT" version="0.9.1"') from repo_version where repo_version=1;

Check the output of this select sql, it should show what the replaced value is.  Here i am replacing the string (name="MAHOUT" version="0.9.0"') from the column version_xml and the replaced value will be (name="MAHOUT" version="0.9.1"). 


Once you confirm the output looks correct, then update the table.

update repo_version set version_xml=replace(version_xml,'name="MAHOUT" version="0.9.0"','name="MAHOUT" version="0.9.1"') where repo_version_id=1;

Note: use the correct repo_version_id number in the above query based on your environment.

After the table change restart Ambari-server

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