Ambari Hive View Error:
I have encountered this strange error in Ambari Hive view in HDP 2.3 with Ambari 2.1.
Error Message:
H100 Unable to submit statement show databases like '*': org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: Broken pipe
ROOT CAUSE: This issue was with mysql pool connection size limit exceeded.
Check using below command in mysql :-Solution:mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "max_connections"; +-----------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------+-------+ | max_connections | 100 | +-----------------+-------+
RESOLUTION: Increased the mysql pool connection size to 500 from default 100 and restart the mysql for the changes to take effect.
Restarted mysql which resolved the issue.mysql> SET GLOBAL max_connections = 500; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
This resolves the hive view error mentioned.
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